
Try This Simple and Refreshing 3-Ingredient Lemony Dessert for Summer

When the summer heat calls for a sweet treat, look no further than a delightful and citrusy lemon posset. This viral English dessert has gained popularity on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, particularly through Food by Couffee’s exploration of global desserts. The best part? You only need three ingredients to create this refreshing delicacy: 2 ½ cups of heavy cream, 3/4 cups of granulated sugar, and 3 lemons.

To begin, zest two lemons and set the zest aside. Cut each lemon in half and hollow out the inside, saving the halves to use as charming serving bowls. Next, juice the scooped-out lemon flesh either by pressing it through a sieve or using a handheld lemon juicer. Collect the freshly squeezed lemon juice in a separate bowl.

In a small saucepan, combine the heavy cream, granulated sugar, and lemon zest. Stir the ingredients together and heat the mixture on low for about 10 minutes, until it begins to bubble. Once heated, remove the mixture from the heat and add the lemon juice. For a smoother consistency, strain the mixture through a sieve to remove the lemon zest.

Finally, pour the lemony mixture into the prepared lemon halves and refrigerate them for at least three hours. This easy-to-make dessert allows for advanced preparation, making it convenient for indulging in a sweet snack whenever the craving strikes. With its light and creamy texture, the lemon posset can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced eating pattern.

Give this viral 3-ingredient lemony dessert a try and savor the refreshing flavors of summer in a delightful and effortless treat.

Read the original article on Financial Reports

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